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What happened in Chapter 3 of Dead Effect 2??? #Survival_Horror

Dead effect 2-Chapter 3 Short Info

Dead effect 2 chapter 3
Dead Effect 2-Chapter 3
Dead Effect 2:Chapter 3 is based on the jet-lift terminal and Dr. Bielik waitings
Mission Title- All aboard the Meridian Express 
Gunnar Davis, the roleplayer must reach the jet-lift terminal and and ride the express train to the other side of the ship where Dr. Bielik the great scientist waits for him. Minikin gonna with him just for fixing something.

Let's start the Gameplay story 

The Gameplay began with Minikin dialouge,"Go fast,fast! Danger here!"
Minikin and Gunnar went to the security door.Then Danette, the guider warned,"This area is guarded by some security drone. Anything moving without a correct IFF code is a valid target for them." Minikin told  to help with access gate opening. Gunnar noticed open locker of the door and touched the open locker and found a puzzle for accessing the door. The puzzle was to rotate all the rings on the right position. He set up the puzzle correctly and the door opened. 
When they entered, the security drone attacked them.

What is the security drone??

Dead effect 2 chapter 3
Security Drone

The security drone is one kind of roboot. It is circle shapped. It hacks the object through its red leaser. While being unable to find the correct IFF code of any object, it sets target on that object and starts firing continuously..

Go back to Our gameplay story

Minikin was started firing but Gunnar went to search for the mounted machine gun. When he found the machine gun,he began firing on the drone and after a few seconds ,the drone was destroyed. 
Then Danette said,"You'll have to patch the power line to the train and fire up to the generator."Minikin said,"No power. We no go". After that Danette told that the back up generator were in a room one floor below Gunnar. Gunnar went for generating and Minikin waited for power.  
As soon as Gunnar reched the door of the back up generator, the dangerous cyber-dogs had attacked him.  He killed the dogs with his weapon and he also noticed that one of the cyber-dogs was hurting Minikin. He suddenly went to Minikin and killed that cyber-dog. After that he went back to the back-up generator door. When he enterd the room, one damn zombie was controlling the power. He killed the zombie. and activated the generator. While returning from the generator, again the cyber-dog attacked on him. Gunnar used his 'Bullet time' ability.

What is 'Bullet Time' ability and how does it work???

Extreme increases in reaction times slows the flow of time around you,allowing you to dodge the bullets.                                       

                                                1. Target: Self.
                                                2. Duration: 10.0s.
                                                3.Power: 178.
                                                4.Cooldown: 29.1s

Turn back into our main story

At that moment, Danette warned him. She told him,"Warning, my sensores just started screaming. It's the Delta. A lot of them. Go to the mounted machine gun. It should even out of the odds." After killing the dangerous cyber-dog, he went for the mounted machine gun.

Dead effect 2 chapter 3
Dead Effect 2
Again Danette warned that the delta soldiers were coming and ordered to defend Minikin. Minikin said,"Shuts mouth! Minikin tries work here!" The delta soldiers came with the command "Final haul, target storage". Then Gunnar started firing continuously on the soldiers by using the mounted machine gun. Some of them went for killing Minikin but they failed beacuse Minikin was ready to fire back on them. Gunnar also fired them who went for killing Minikin. Some of them were throwing bombs. Some soldiers hurted Gunnar by firing. At last they were killed. Then Minikin said,"Train trainy! Minikin good!". Their objective was to enter the jet-lif terminal then. When he entered the jet-lift terminal,he heard the sound target storage and one of the bullets hurted him. He told Minikin,"Shit!They hit me" and then he became unconsious. Minikin said,"You live! You no die!" When Gunnar woke up, he found himself on the bad and saw the scientist Dr. Bielik was beside him and the mission was finally completed.

How did you feel about read the story of Dead Effect 2-Chapter 3 ???

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